MoE's Institution’s Innovation Council (IC-201811516) ,
Ministry of Education (MoE’s), Government of India
Gulzar Group of Institutions, Ludhiana (C-10318)
Celebrating 15th October as Innovation Day 2019: Point of View
The primary goal of a point of view is for students to generate effective critical thinking into primary issues in the given topic. The topic for Point of View will be given on the spot.
“If the world could see how much adoption means from a cat's point of view, shelters would be empty” - BY Hannah Simone.
Date: 15th/October/2019, Tuesday
Time: 11.30 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: Seminar Hall, Block – E, GGI Ludhiana
Eligibility: If you can pitch your point of view in different way go ahead, stage all yours
Basic Rules:
1. Time Allowed: 5 minutes
2. Language: Hindi or English only
3. No Team Participation permitted only Individual permitted to pitch their own Point of view
Evaluation Criteria:
Subject Matter ( Content ) [ 25 Marks]
Language Proficiency [ 25 Marks]
Delivery and Posture [ 25 Marks]
General Effectiveness [ 25 Marks]
Student Coordinator
Prince Kumar 8936870719
Sakshi Gupta 9835485799
Ashutosh Rath 9777510061
Kartik Kumar 9931746037
Md Aariz Mozammil 7543037038
Rahul Kumar 8804318856
Registration Link https://www.iicggi.com/point-of-view